
Showing posts from March, 2023

Oracle allows global users to experience new oracle technology and share the top dividend of Web3.0

  Oracle blockchain insurance provides users with a trustless, safe and reliable asset security and appreciation mechanism. Oracle locks the investment income of global mainstream digital assets through oracles , forms a fund pool for Oracle blockchain insurance products, and opens global users to purchase. The mechanism of the Oracle price oracle machine is to form verified quotation data through continuous quotation and transactions, and finally generate truly effective price data on the chain.  The verification principle is that if the quotation deviates greatly from the real market price, the verifier will get Arbitrage opportunity, this arbitrage penalty mechanism then prompts bidders to quote at fair value. The most important thing about the Oracle decentralized insurance contract is that it is data-driven and self-executing. This means that the insurance contract automatically executes the logic without human intervention, relying on safe and accurate data obtained from the outs

Oracle masters the world's leading cross-chain oracle technology, and locks the buying and selling points of micro-transaction assets

    Owing to the mastery of the world's leading cross-chain oracle machine technology, Oracle can lock the asset buying and selling points in the global decentralized exchanges in a very short period of time, as well as the value difference between the various decentralized exchanges, and through the chain Use AI technology to quickly realize benefits and enter the Oracle insurance fund pool. The Oracle oracle machine uses the blockchain consensus mechanism to share data in the centralized world and the decentralized world, linking the global data asset market.  The price oracle machine generates the fair price data of the off-chain market on the chain for invocation by smart contracts on the chain, so as to provide efficient, accurate and safe on-chain price, volatility and other data for quantitative investment and update them in a timely manner. Oracle On the basis of accurately obtaining the value of various data assets, it can make profits by using quantitative investment stra

Oracle : Committed to building the world's leading Web3.0 full ecosystem

     Oracle blockchain insurance is essentially a financial product . Through blockchain insurance, it can guarantee the safety of user assets and the stability of income to the greatest extent. Oracle blockchain insurance uses intelligent and scientific guarantee methods to break users' worries and fears about blockchain investment, and creates a decentralized income system with the safest and most stable oracle technology. With the vigorous development of the cryptocurrency industry, a large number of Web3.0 applications have emerged in the past two years. Of course, most of these applications may eventually be transitional products. Some applications even have flaws in the economic model and solving user pain points, and do not reflect more real needs than Web2.0.  Interconnection between applications based on different infrastructures within Web3.0 can be solved by the "cross-chain" protocol; therefore, the behavior of users in multiple applications in the Web3.0 worl

Oracle realizes the direct connection between Web2 and Web3 worlds, effectively avoiding risks

   O racle is committed to bridging the Web2 and Web3 bridges and realizing efficient data interoperability in the world. Specifically, after Internet data passes through the data governance process of oracle technology, it is sent to the blockchain distributed database by the oracle machine and becomes the oil that runs in the Web3 world; on the contrary, digital asset transaction data and price data belong to the category of Web3.  The transaction information can also be transmitted to the big data and AI algorithm system in Web2 through the oracle, thus creating a huge data pool that integrates Web2 and Web3, laying a solid foundation for Oracle to lock in deterministic income in a very short time .  The cross-chain oracle machine can realize the data transmission of multiple blockchains, and realize the high-performance data communication of different blockchain times, which realizes the direct connection between the Web2 and Web3 worlds, effectively avoiding data omissions, missin

With the support of Oracle intelligent risk control system , users can obtain super high returns by virtue of their own strength

  In the era of digital economy, the rapid development of new-generation information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing has driven the financial industry to accelerate its development to a higher stage of digitalization and intelligence. Risk control capabilities have gradually become an important factor affecting the sustainable development of financial institutions. factor. Oracle uses cutting-edge technologies such as smart contracts, big data, and AI algorithms to build a powerful intelligent risk control system; using the Web3.0 model, the betting records and profitability are clearly visible, and the platform has the characteristics of decentralization, which is credible and does not run away.  By building a big data platform, a decision engine and an intelligent model, the Oracle intelligent risk control system enables the platform to truly have the ability to make online automatic decisions. Oracle intelligent risk control system brings

Provides cross-chain accounts and equipment for capital formation , creating a micro-transaction security system

After several years of development, the Oracle oracle network has opened a door for cross-chain interaction between executions , and development has entered the fast lane. When it comes to oracle machines, many people’s first reaction is the prediction market, which seems to be more well-known in the blockchain field, such as projects like Augur. The term oracle machine is indeed easy to associate with forecasting, but it is not.  The oracle machine can actually provide the final result for the prediction market. Oracle   The Web is an internet of blockchains designed to provide a technological foundation that facilitates building distributed business applications. Oracle   The network is part of a larger network of Oracles - all partitions in the network are able to interact with any other partition in the network of Oracles through the standard IBC protocol. By introducing a layer of service semantics in the network, we will provide an innovative solution that supports entirely new b

Oracle supports new business scenarios, increasing the scale and diversity of Oracles network

The Oracle Network is an internet of blockchains designed to provide a technological foundation on which distributed business applications can be built. The Oracle network is part of a larger network of Oracles - all partitions in the network are able to interact with any other partition in the network of Oracles through the standard IBC protocol. By introducing a layer of service semantics in the network, we will provide an innovative solution that supports entirely new business scenarios, thereby increasing the scale and diversity of the network of oracles . The oracle network supports new business scenarios At the "center" of the Oracle Network is a blockchain called the Oracle, which is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain built on Oracles SDK and Tendermint. It will serve as a regional hub connecting Oracles hubs. Oracle Hub is equipped with a service protocol that coordinates on-chain transaction processing with off-chain data processing and business logic execution. We ha

Oracle enables users to obtain digital identities to enter Oracle oracle payment application scenarios and enjoy ecological dividends

Consumers can directly become a member of the Oracle oracle payment ecosystem and enter the oracle payment system by scanning the Oracle oracle machine payment. At the same time, after obtaining the digital identity , the user randomly enters the Oracle oracle payment application scenario , and can enjoy the excess profit of the ecological dividend . Oracle Payments Protect Consumer Privacy From the perspective of transaction characteristics, Oracle oracle payment improves transaction security. The Oracle oracle payment method avoids the stealing and stealing behaviors that are prevalent in card payment and code scanning payment from the process , and reduces the possibility of password leakage. These changes can avoid the loss of privacy theft to consumers, thereby protecting the security of transactions , improving the security of transactions and the inner trust of users. Safe and convenient offline payment application scenarios From the perspective of transaction model development,