Oracle provides safe, convenient and efficient digital asset investment for the public, and shares the dividend of the times with investors

 With the rapid changes of the times, the traditional offline flow of assets has become history. The new digital asset ecology rooted in the network has set off in the wind of the times, becoming a new mode of asset flow in the future. The youth and digitalization of the consumer market make the market glow with new era vitality. In the context of today's increasing demand for economic development, digital assets have been attached importance as an important factor to promote economic growth, and the demand for users to manage digital assets has gradually emerged. Therefore, Oracle, as a decentralized cross chain oracle protocol focusing on blockchain asset insurance, locks the investment income of global mainstream digital assets through the world's leading Web3.0 cross chain oracle technology and AI algorithm, and provides security Convenient and efficient digital asset investment, sharing the dividend of the times with investors.

    Oracle connects global users to build a new system

Oracle is a decentralized cross chain oracle protocol focusing on blockchain asset insurance. It locks in the investment income of global mainstream digital assets through the world's leading Web3.0 cross chain oracle technology and AI algorithm, forms the capital pool of Oracle blockchain insurance products, and opens up global users to purchase.

After years of operation in the global mainstream blockchain, mainstream digital assets, and Web3.0 and meta universe scenarios, Oracle's cross chain oracle protocol has built a complete set of mature profit system and insurance mechanism, and has been connected to mainstream decentralized exchanges such as uniswap, sunswap, sudoswap, pancakeswap, etc.

Oracle Tech LLC, the parent company of Oracle, is headquartered in Colorado, USA. It has obtained investment and strategic support from global mainstream Web3 capital, institutions and ecological partners such as a16z, uniswap, pancakeswap, MakerDAO, Avalanche, etc. It has obtained the compliance MSB certificate issued by the financial department of the local government. Oracle has carried out relevant digital assets, digital finance, asset management and other businesses according to law.

      Global sharing of Oracle AI profit system revenue

By mastering the world's leading cross chain oracle technology, Oracle can lock the buying and selling points of assets in the global decentralized exchanges, as well as the value difference between the decentralized exchanges in a very short time, and quickly realize the benefits through the AI technology on the chain, and enter the Oracle insurance fund pool.

Oracle oracle makes use of the blockchain consensus mechanism to share data in the centralized and decentralized world and link the global data asset market. The function mechanism of the price oracle is to generate real and effective price data on the chain after continuously validating the quotation and transaction formation. The validation principle is that if the quotation deviates greatly from the real market price, the verifier will obtain arbitrage opportunities. This arbitrage punishment mechanism further urges the offeror to quote according to the fair value. The price oracle generates the market fair price data under the chain on the chain for the use of smart contracts on the chain, so as to provide efficient, accurate and safe data such as the price and volatility on the chain for quantitative investment and update them in a timely manner. Oracle can make profits by using quantitative investment strategies on the basis of accurately obtaining the value of various data assets.

With the advent of the era of Metauniverse and Web3.0, Oracle connects global users, uses its comprehensive advantages to manage user assets and help users manage their finances, and connects global users, making constant efforts to build a global benefit sharing economic system for users.


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