Oracle's advanced Web3.0 system, three major tools of blockchain insurance, NFT, and Token guarantee asset security and stable income!

     Introduction: The metaverse is developing rapidly, and the integration of Oracle technology will create a new Web3 era system. Through the issuance of OT, the three major tools of blockchain insurance, NFT, and Token will be launched to improve the security of assets, not afraid of market changes, and stable income.

Investment is in crisis, technology creates opportunities

The global Web3.0 and Metaverse are in their early stages, and the ecosystem of technologies and scenarios is on the right track. Related technology systems, infrastructure, and scenario ecology are gradually developing, and related investment and wealth opportunities are gradually coming into the public eye.


Under the influence of the new crown epidemic, the security and stability of the global investment environment have been impacted. For example, in 2022, thunderstorms such as Luna and FTX have had a bad impact on the global Web3 investment environment, causing many investors to suffer losses. Lack of assets and funds and lack of reliable value-added channels are the fundamental reasons why many investors adopt a conservative wait-and-see attitude under the influence of the epidemic.

But challenges and opportunities exist at the same time. The development of blockchain and smart contract technology has brought solutions to the problems of investment stability and security. Because it can realize business scenarios that do not require trust, the use of decentralized technology can make all businesses open, transparent and non-tamperable, thereby removing all perceived interference factors and ensuring asset security. 

Assets based on decentralized technology And products have become the primary choice of global investors, and the concept of decentralization has gradually gained popularity in the promotion and application of blockchain technology and smart contracts. The objective needs of the investment environment, the development of technology, and the proliferation of consensus mechanisms have laid the foundation for the development of Oracle.


Innovation enhances value, cooperation enhances guarantee


Oracle is a decentralized cross-chain oracle protocol that focuses on blockchain asset insurance. Through the world's leading Web3.0 cross-chain oracle technology and Oracle insurance AI algorithm, it locks the investment income of global mainstream digital assets and decentralized exchanges.

 Continuously expanding Oracle's profit pool, global users can enjoy the asset security and stable value-added guaranteed by Oracle's world's top Web3.0 technology system by purchasing Oracle blockchain insurance products; in addition, Oracle NFT carries Oracle's core philosophy and becomes a user The key to enter Oracle Web3.0 and Oracle Mateverse, holding Oracle NFT symbolizes a special and glorious Oracle user identity, and can obtain stable OT (Oracle Token) income; OT represents the income and governance rights of Oracle Mateverse!


Oracle mainly has five core technologies: Oracle blockchain insurance, cross-chain Oracle Machine, Oracle AI profit system, Oracle NFT, and Oracle Token. Oracle blockchain insurance guarantees asset security and steady growth. The cross-chain Oracle Machine can realize the barrier-free data interaction between Web2 and Web3, and realize the efficient intercommunication of global data. At the same time, Oracle AI System can lock the buying and selling points of global decentralized exchange trading assets in a short period of time, continuously expand the Oracle profit pool, and create wealth.

 Oracle NFT is generated by matching Oracle Machine and AI System according to the Oracle smart contract, and OT income can be obtained through pledge. Oracle Token is the governance token of the Oracle ecosystem, which represents Oracle's ecological governance rights and dividend rights. With the continuous development of Oracle as a whole, the value of OT will continue to rise.


The Oracle cross-chain oracle protocol has been operating for many years in the world's mainstream blockchains, mainstream digital assets, and Web3.0 and metaverse scenarios. It has built a complete set of mature profit systems and insurance mechanisms, and has access to uniswap, sunswap, sudoswap, pancakeswap And other mainstream decentralized exchanges.


Oracle's parent company, Oracle Tech LLC, is headquartered in Colorado, USA. It has received investment and strategic support from global mainstream Web3 capital, institutions, and ecological partners such as a16z, uniswap, pancakeswap, MakerDAO, and Avalanche. MSB certificate, Oracle conducts related digital assets, digital finance, asset management and other businesses in accordance with the law.


The multi-product system steadily increases the value, and the multiple income-generating models ensure stable incomeThe Oracle product system includes three products: Oracle blockchain insurance, Oracle NFT, and Oracle TokenOracle blockchain insurance mainly has four products: experience zone, positive zone, activity zone, and event products. 

They can not only help users achieve an annualized rate of return of 150%+, but also the user's income is credited to the account every day, and can be stored and stored at any time. It has strong stability and guarantee. Oracle blockchain insurance supports 8 global mainstream Web3 assets. In this system, users can participate flexibly and support automatic reinvestment. Oracle blockchain insurance has launched an insurance broker model, through which users can become higher-level members and enjoy more dynamic benefits.


Oracle NFT carries the core concept of Oracle and becomes the key for users to enter Oracle Web3.0 and Oracle Mateverse. Holding Oracle NFT symbolizes the special and glorious Oracle user identity, and can stably obtain OT (Oracle Token) income.


Oracle Token creates a decentralized wealth system in the Web3 era, allowing every participant to share profit opportunities, obtain stable and safe income, win wealth value in the Web3 era, and build a metaverse ecology. Its total amount is constant, so the intrinsic value of OT can be guaranteed, but deflation expectations are inevitable. At the same time, OT can be used for flash swaps with other mainstream currencies, providing a reliable guarantee for global liquidity and stability. As usage scenarios continue to increase, the fundamental value of OT can also be improved. Finally, OT represents the fundamental value of Oracle's ecological development.

 By integrating into digital asset management platforms, quantitative investment strategies and other ecological scenarios, the value of OT will gradually increase. At present, Oracle Token will be issued on the Pancake Swap exchange at a price of 0.5 USDT, and 1 billion will be issued, using the BEP20 issuance agreement. At the same time, this issuance will use 60% for user mining, 15% for the Oracle Foundation, and 15 % is used for ecological governance, and 10% is used for the team's distribution plan.


Conclusion: Oracle was founded under the background of the steady development of the metaverse. Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, investment willingness and the macro environment have been affected. The application of blockchain technology and smart contract technology is a channel to ensure the safety and stability of funds. make a contribution. Oracle utilizes the technology of the Web3 era to launch a variety of product systems and revenue-generating models, creating new opportunities for users to create wealth in the metaverse era, and at the same time building a new ecological model for the wealth system in the Web3 era.


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